Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owl

Athene cunicularia

Burrowing Owls are small, ground-dwelling raptors that nest in abandoned burrows, often made by prairie dogs or other animals. They have long legs, large eyes, and brown, speckled plumage. Unlike most owls, they are active during the day. Adaptable and distinctive, Burrowing Owls play a vital role in their ecosystems, though they face threats from habitat loss.



Burrowing owls range across North and South America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico and parts of Central and South America.

Fast Facts

  • Description

    Burrowing Owls are small, compact birds with long legs and a round head. Their large, round eyes and slightly upright posture give them a curious and alert appearance. Their plumage is typically a mottled brown with white spots, providing excellent camouflage.

  • Diet

    Burrowing owls are opportunistic hunters, primarily feeding on insects like grasshoppers, beetles, and crickets, but they will also eat small mammals, birds, and even reptiles.

  • Size

    On average, these owls measure about 7 to 10 inches in height, with a wingspan of around 21 to 24 inches. They weigh only 5 to 8 ounces.

  • Lifespan

    Wild: 1-3 years

    Human care: 6-9 years

Burrowing Owls often decorate their burrows with animal dung—usually from nearby cows or other large herbivores. This helps to mask their scent from predators and may even attract insects, providing a ready food source.

Fun Fact

Our Wildlife Ambassadors


Pigwidgeon, or “Pig” for short was raised in human care to help advocate for his wild counterparts, Pig is full of spunk and personality. Despite his small size, he has a big presence, always keeping us entertained with his quirky antics and playful nature. As a true ambassador for Burrowing Owls, Pig helps educate visitors about the importance of conservation and the challenges his wild relatives face. His lively spirit and undeniable charm make him a favorite among all who meet him!

Pigwidgeon has been at the sanctuary since 2024